Siyabend Özdemir

Siyabend Özdemir

Full-Stack Developer and IndieHacker from Basel, CH

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Logo/coopSiyabend Özdemir Logo Coop.

Contributing to the Success of Coop and serving millions of customers countrywide through, and more by developing infrastructure and web-solutions

Side Hustles

GenPPT free AI powerpoint Generator


AI PowerPoint generator to create powerpoint presentations in seconds

Miellor honey Logo


Natural Swiss honey without artificial processing


Ilias Ism

Ilias Ism

Founder, MagicSpace SEO

Siya is an effective software engineer with a broad range of skills.

Ilias Ism

Ilias Ism

Founder, MagicSpace SEO

Siya is an effective software engineer with a broad range of skills.

Ilias Ism

Ilias Ism

Founder, MagicSpace SEO

Siya is an effective software engineer with a broad range of skills.

Ilias Ism

Ilias Ism

Founder, MagicSpace SEO

Siya is an effective software engineer with a broad range of skills.